Consultation responses
We respond to consultations that relate to our role in the family justice sector. This ensures that government and other agencies understand how proposed changes may affect our work and how we believe positive change could be promoted.
- Cafcass response to the Department for Education consultation on the Working Together to Safeguard Children statutory guidance
- Cafcass response to MoJ consultation: Supporting earlier resolution of private family law arrangements
- Cafcass response to Child and Family Social Worker Workforce Consultation
- Cafcass response to the Adoption Sub-Group of the Public Law Working Group interim report on “Recommendations for Best Practice in Respect of Adoption”
- Cafcass response on the Family Justice Council’s draft best practice guidance on domestic abuse
- Cafcass response to the Department for Education’s reforms to unregulated provision for children in care and care leavers
- Cafcass response to the Association of Directors of Children’s Services’ social work evidence template consultation
- Home Office and Department for Education: mandatory reporting and a duty to act
- Family justice observatory: call for evidence for family justice research centre
- Law Commission: review of surrogacy legislation
- Ofsted: future of social care inspection
- APPG for Children: inquiry into children’s social care
- Home Office and Department for Education: definition of child sexual exploitation