Children and young people
Hello! Welcome to Cafcass. We work with children and young people in family court cases. Our job is to make sure that you are safe and that your welfare is prioritised during court proceedings about you and your family. We make sure that your voices are heard and that decisions are taken in your best interests. This section of our website is for you to find out more about us and to see what happens when your family has to go to a family court.
We understand
Sometimes, families have difficulties that they cannot sort out on their own; your parents or carers might be separating, or they might be finding it difficult to look after you properly. To help make things better, they or other professionals involved with your family may ask the court to help. We understand how scary and stressful this can be for children and young people. Our video, which we have produced with the Family Justice Young People’s Board (FJYPB), might help you realise that these feelings are normal and that Cafcass is here to help you.
Watch the British Sign Language (BSL) version of 'Taking me Seriously'.

Feedback from a child with whom we have worked
"My Cafcass worker doesn’t stop smiling, that’s important it makes me feel comfortable telling her what I want. She knows that I say things to my mum and dad because I don’t want to upset them…she put a plan in place, that was because she listened to me…she tells me what is going on and she will explain things to me"