How a Parenting Plan can help

A Parenting Plan is a written agreement to support a co-parenting approach that covers the practical issues for your child. It works even better if you involve your child.
A Parenting Plan can help because it shows clearly what arrangements and actions you have agreed to meet the needs of your child. Agreeing a plan can avoid you having to go to court to reach such an agreement or have arrangements ordered by the court. Agreeing a plan shows your child that you are putting them first and will always act in their best interests.
Parents tell us that the many benefits of making a Parenting Plan together include:
- refocusing on the needs of your child;
- giving your child a sense of stability and security;
- helping everyone involved know what is expected of them;
- creating a clear agreement to refer back to; and
- setting out practical decisions about your childr, such as living arrangements, education and health care.
If you do decide to go to court at some point in the future, it is likely that judges or magistrates will expect you to have a Parenting Plan.
The Parenting Plan can be completed online. It works by one parent starting a plan and making some suggestions before sending their proposal to their co-parent. This process can continue until you reach agreement over some, most, or hopefully all aspects of caring for your child. The Parenting Plan can be downloaded and shared with other people, including your child, a mediator, your FCA or the court.
If you cannot use the online plan, then you can download a Word version.