My family is involved in public law proceedings

This section of our website is for you if your child is involved in public law proceedings. Public law proceedings include an application by social services for a supervision order or a care order for your child as well as applications for a child to be placed for adoption.
A Cafcass officer will be appointed by the court to act as a Children’s Guardian in the court case. The Guardian will arrange for the child to have their own solicitor and will provide the court with independent expert advice on the plan for the child and what is in their best interests. They make sure that the wishes and feelings of the child are understood by the court before it makes a final decision about what is in their best interests. In this section we explain the role of your child’s Guardian in more detail.
Below is a short video to introduce the role of a Children’s Guardian in public law proceedings and to explain some of the important terms you will see within this section of our website. It has been produced in conjunction with our Family Forum, which includes parents who have experienced public law proceedings.
Please select from the options below to explore our information for parents, carers and other family members.

Feedback from the father of a child in public law proceedings
"The guardian was spot on, there was nothing that she could have done better. She explained her role to me and I have nothing but good things to say about her. She came out to see me before my child came home and then visited when they was in my care. She also rang me a few times on the phone. She didn't agree with social services and helped me in getting things I needed and other support. I understand her role and knew that she was trying to sort things out in a fair way for me".